muse of Modern PARTNERSHIP
These writings explore how modern romantic partnerships thrive from cultivating devotion, patience, compassion and other key elements of intimate relationship. Written from a feminine lens, their intention is to inspire women to shift their perspective on partnership from solely convenience and companionship to those of dynamic collaboration and sacred union.
Honest relationships require a sort of nakedness where there is no where to hide, and overtime, even less of a desire to. They are the container for the ultimate exposure of self, not the ultimate exposure of the other. At it’s core, honesty asks us to own the truth within our own bones and finally cease lying to ourselves, before we can even think about demanding the truth from another.
Part of my being able and willing to see him in his wholeness is the belief that we’re only ever reflecting our internal state back at the world and we’re all only ever asking for the truth of who we really are to be reflected back to us. We all hide our hearts to the reality of who we are. And it takes a fierce commitment to that truth to break through our self-created illusions of separateness, guilt and blame.
Each of our differences are the very tool from which we help the other one grow into the energies we’re here on earth for. My little girl specialness has the opportunity to mature into a womanhood in which it is my job to ignite and make space for Mike’s fires of passion and purpose to grow. His job is to honor the sacredness of our “we” so that I can surrender into creation energy itself — emotive, wild and spontaneous at its core.
Longing is like having a love affair with imagination and hope. Rather than white-knuckling it or waiting it out with baited breath, I breath possibility in. Bum rushing Mike rarely results in what I want to experience; emotional, mental or physical. When I pause, within a conversation between us or within my own internal fantasies, I’m met with a wave of vibrancy that I wouldn’t feel if I was rushing down the road toward a fixed destination.
Being disappointed doesn’t call others to be better, it belittles them into staying exactly where they are and then resenting you for keeping them there. My partner and I have never made headway helping each other towards our dreams by telling the other all the ways we disappoint. It has always been and can only be through showering each other with all the ways we satisfy an inner contentment made more possible with each other by our side.
Whose needs get met first typically answers itself when I ask myself the question, who is the saner one? If it’s me, by even a hair, I take care of myself while giving my partner the space to do the same. If he seems to be in the minor lead of sanity, he’s usually beaten me to the punch with an extra long face grab as he jokingly tells me “you complete me” and I laugh and we’re out of the crazy for a heart-felt moment.
True devotion doesn’t wane or wax, it is a lighthouse when the storm of our lives arrives on shore. Through bouts of madness, insecurity, insanity, anger, confusion, depression or however the trigger manifests for either of us, I ask myself how much can my devotion to his highest good help both of us weather the storm and be better for it when the clouds part?