A story of me…

I am a writer, guide and creator, who lives from a place of self-growth, exploration, and an unwavering passion to share my experience of relationships and beauty through my words and creations. I am on a continued quest to live as a self-realized human who is at the helm of my own pleasure and liberation —- as a woman, a partner, a lover, a daughter, a step-mother, and a friend.

For many decades, I’ve turned my attention to uncovering opportunities for women to better know their authentic selves, which stems from my own deep commitment to my personal journey. Through spiritual exploration, trauma discovery and healing, shadow work, sexual awakening and thousands of hours of various therapeutic techniques, I’ve dedicated the last twenty years of my life to becoming as contented, free and resolved woman as possible.

Whether you’re reading my words, listening to my voice or participating in my mentorship, I offer clear reflections of your whole being, deep permission and compassion for whatever is arising in you, transmissions of divine truth, the opportunity to mirror and model healthy behaviors and responses, as well as a sacred devotion to the feminine within all of us. I offer healthier perspectives on life, introduce more natural ways of being and invite the practice of integrated embodiment into your life.

In my recent writing, I support modern romantic partnerships to thrive by cultivating devotion, patience and other aspects of intimate relationship. I write from a feminine lens, hoping to inspire women, in particular, to shift their perspective on partnership from convenience and companionship to collaboration and sacred union.

I’m a self-professed former math geek with an eye for beautiful things. The more I honor my true nature and of those around me, the more I see beauty in every aspect of being alive. When I’m not expanding my horizons are diving into the recesses of who I am, you can find me curating design inspiration, trying my urban hand at gardening, and learning to love the insatiable dishwasher duties that is living with my partner and two teenage boys.
