To love, for love, in love.
Happy Valentine’s Day, love. Much to my surprise, it all comes down to you. Humbly, you are the only aspect of life I’ve found it’s worth making any fuss over. You’re strong while subtle, acute while everywhere, and sacred while playful. I’ve spent years following your every move yet deeply afraid of feeling your touch. Thank you for sticking so close to me. You’ve always been in every sparkle of light, every crashing wave, every airborne bird, and beyond. I feel yo now in my partner’s presence, in my stepsons’ growth, in my niece and nephew’s innocence, in every stranger’s friendly smile, in every tear, my own and from others. You’re in my nightly dreams, you’re in my flowing words, you’re in my expanded heart. You’ve taught me patience in the face of frustration, devotion in the face of distance, and heartache in the face of loss. My relationship with you is better than any relationship in my life, and you make every other relationship better. Never needing to be found, searching for love ceases to be possible knowing you’re always right here.