A letter to beloved


5 years ago you met a young 30-something woman who didn’t know much about love in relationship. I was filled with attachments, stories about how things should be, and expectations that didn’t match reality. I was also filled with willingness to grow up and discover love in its deepest and realist form. 5 years later, what I want most is to live my life from the purest expression of love. The opportunity to love you so whole-heartedly has made this possible beyond what I ever imagined.

Thank you for five incredible years; years of growth, of finding strength in one another, and of embracing our perfect mix of joy, laughter and just enough human angst to make it all feel real. Mostly, thank you for trusting my fierce conviction of our “we.” There’s nothing I’m more proud of standing strongly for. Thank you for meeting me there. I am deeply honored to be your other half, and I am grateful beyond words for the version of myself I get to be beside you.

In the great meaning-and-timelessness that we share, thank god that we’re here together. To the next five, fifty and forever. I’ll find you in New Jersey, or wherever the journey takes us.

All yours, truly.

Alaina GurwitzJanuary 16